What does it all mean?

It’s a seemingly odd name for a business of our nature but if you’re interested, here’s the story behind it…

The Olmecs were an ancient Central American civilisation. If you’re thinking Mayans, Aztecs or Incas, you’re warm…but you’ll need to rewind! They are thought to be one of the earliest civilisations in Mesoamerica and were the pioneers of trade, whose impact rings through history.

Of course, they grew surplus crops to trade with their neighbours, but what inspired me was the symbiotic, complementary nature of what they grew – maize, beans and squash.

So what? Well, the maize provides a stem to support the beans. The squash fertilises the soil with nutrients that promote the growth of the other crops.

A beautifully simple approach.

It brought to life our offering; a mix of supporting services to grow brands and businesses. Thus, Olmec Connections was born!


Although, our ‘crops’ (actually, let’s call them pillars) are slightly different...


The Three Pillars



Developing a customer-based approach across your entire organisation.



Understand, nurture and educate your customers.



Provide value for customers beyond what you sell.