Viral Vector Technology Review

Innovation and modernisation are much needed in viral vector production, both in terms of technology and process development, to achieve the scales and yields needed for commercial success.

A lot of the processes and tools the industry is using have been adapted from those designed for proteins, not viral particles, rather than built for purpose. As a result, the efficacy of viral vector manufacturing for gene therapies is lacking.

Scale-out is also being adopted over scale-up due to the adherent nature of the cell culture required for viral vector production. This is extremely space and resource-intensive at a large scale, a limiting factor in commercial production and increases the risk of asepsis.

Thankfully, ours is an industry full of innovative minds and collaborative spirits, and solutions are being developed, tested and implemented at a promising rate!

If you’re in need of viral vector technology or CDMO specialists, this review provides you with the perfect shortlist.